Friday, September 14, 2012

Writing Websites Are Weird.

Really. They are.
I started on Teen Ink in eighth grade, and became pretty popular (fourth in realistic fiction, woot woot), then moved to inkpop with their social hierarchy and competitive drive. Then inkpop was shut down and I was moved to Figment, which took months of adjusting to, and then I started writing all this crap and I still have no clue what I'm doing. And now I just joined wattpad, which has a vast variety of great books and sucky books written by eleven year olds. Craziness, honestly. People don't know how to put periods at the end of their sentences.
I doubt anybody's reading this, but I really need to put this picture up here since I can't put it up anywhere else but I need a URL for my tumblr and... okay, ignore me.
Look at that promo picture. Look at it. That's for my new book, you can find it on my figment profile or my wattpad profile.
I just started high school this year, but I'm in tenth grade, my school district is weird but I like it better this way. It's incredibly stressful and I'm back to being that shy girl who is afraid to talk to people and has no idea how to start a conversation. Geeeez. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so lonely in class, but had an awesome night tonight with my friends. I think I could grow to like the school. I have to try harder, I guess.

-EJ, fifteen years old and already stressing out about her place in this world...

Friday, December 30, 2011

A Year of Writing and Reading

I know I haven't blogged in four months or so. Kind of depressing.
I hope you all had happy holidays, and that you have a wonderful new year! My resolution is to stop procrastinating. It's been that for two or three years now, but I've never managed to keep it.
Right now, I feel the need to look back at 2011, what I read, what I wrote. As far as writing goes, I finished my first novel, attempted NaNoWriMo for the first time (and failed miserably), won my first writing award, filled a poetry notebook, and wrote several short stories.
My top five books for this year are, in no particular order:
-Saving Francesca
-Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie
-I Am The Wallpaper
-The Hunger Games (re-read...)
-The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly, Completely Lost It

I unfortunately didn't read too many books this year. Summer was consumed by a library reading list, none of which I enjoyed (save Sleeping Freshmen), plus a summer AP World History project (and, well, Guns Germs and Steel didn't make the top five). But two great things did happen- One, I made a goodreads account, which has lead me to a few great books (listed above) and I also got a Kindle. Since my library has an e-book lending available, I've already borrowed and read two books since Christmas. So, many good books in the future!
I'll start posting book reviews on here as soon as possible. I've already written a few for goodreads, so if you want to check them out, my page is here.
Besides reading great books in the last week, I've become addicted to Plants vs. Zombies and Portal.

I'll leave you with the chorus of a song I wrote during a stream of consciousness at one in the morning-

Tell me what happened to the days of
orange popsicles and lemonade, before
winter formals and tuxedo rentals.
Tell me what happened to the days of
sticky fingers, and sandy toes
smudged sunglasses and fingerpaints
painting a heart around our names.

Have an amazing 2012!

Monday, October 10, 2011


It's only October 10th and I am so excited for National Novel Writing Month.
This is my first year, so I might end up being a total failure, but I'm willing to take the risk.
I've got an idea and a title, for once, so I went ahead and set up my account today! My username on the website is rainbowwaffles (as it is just about on any writing site..) so you can add me if you want :)
Unfortunately, these last couple of months have been pretty disappointing on the writing front. I had aimed to finish The Fame during the summer, but only ended up writing six and a half chapters out of the... twenty eight or so. I've kind of been re-reading all my old poems and laughing at them, writing about a sentence of The Fame and then putting it aside. The only thing that I've written in the last month that I've actually been proud of probably will never be shown to anyone, so...

And I really feel a need to rant about this for a moment... I am TIRED of predictable, cliche books. Really, really tired of them. I read ten pages of a book over the summer and predicted the ending. A day later, I finished the book, and I was right about every single point. That happened again with the next book I read.
Somebody, anybody, please give me suggestions for books to read that won't have me throwing them across the room (especially when they're not mine...) because I really need a break from the standard literature written for teenage girls these days.

Anybody else doing NaNoWriMo? Have you done it before?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Haven't Blogged Since When?

Um... about a month or so.
I'd like to have an excuse like, "I'm super busy!" or "Soooo much time taken up with that stupid AP World History assignment!" or something, but truth is.... I forgot.
I kind of forgot I even had a blog, and when I went back here I found out I now have seventeen followers. No idea how that happened...
But, I figured I might as well share the one important piece of news I have-- Civilized Sabotage: The Fame is now up on inkpop.
It's the sequel to my first book, and you can click HERE to read it! It's in the 1000s in terms of rank, which really stinks. I really only have a few fans, divided up as so-
Approximately three on inkpop
One on Teen Ink
One in real life.
Not exactly what I'd call impressive.
Also, my book is sadly listed under "General Fiction books" and "Romance books." I seriously think they should call it "Realistic Fiction" because that makes it sound a lot less lame than "General" which just sounds like "Boring." And besides, Romance was the closest I could get to any of the other categories- Dystopian? Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Paranormal? Vampire Book? I nearly screamed when I saw that they actually made that a genre of it's own. So sad.
Back when inkpop was it's normal self, and I released the first book, it was listed under General Fiction, Romance, and Comedy, because I think the book has its funny moments. But they took comedy off the list to replace it with vampires. That's just depressing.
Okay, I'm rambling about stuff NOBODY cares about.
Um.... well. I guess that's all I have to say.
WAIT. No, it's not!

Okay, so I saw the Harry Potter movie! Yay! It was really awesome! I thought it was pretty accurate to the books, besides they messed up a certain death (don't want to include spoilers for any potential future fans!) and a certain kiss (which was adorable anyway!). But I will say that I definitely approved of the way that Neville said, "Anybody seen Luna?" "No, why?" "I love her. Thought I might as well tell her now!" I realize that is totally NOT word for word... and I know that totally never happened in the book, and Neville gets married to Hannah Abbot and Luna gets married to some Lysander guy, but hey, I had been rooting for that relationship the whole time. :)
Annddddddd, I got early admission to Pottermore! Sadly, I couldn't do the clue thing until the sixth day, so I'll be getting in during the second or third week of September :(
Soooooo. That's it for now, I guess.

OH, one more thing! I found out about this amaaaaaazing band called He is We! Anybody else ever listen to their music? Just wondering. :)

This was the most random blog post ever.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Here I Am Again

So... long time no blog.
Considering nothing much is going on in the writing world for me, besides struggling with The Fame (6K, woot.) I've decided to blog about... well, I guess I'll just ramble about some random stuff.

Harry Potter.
Although the books have stopped, the fandom never died. And now, the movies are coming to an end as well. So... what else is there to look forward to?! Will the HP fandom die? I certainly hope not. And I really hope that wizard rock never dies. I just went to an Alex Carpenter/Jason Munday/Mike Lombardo show about a week ago and got to meet them, and was introduced into this amazing community of geeks. And sure, there's a bunch of other stuff to go crazy over- The Hunger Games, Doctor Who, so on and so forth, but none can ever live up to Harry Potter.
But guess what comes out on the same day? WINNIE THE POOH. OH YEAH. I have waited so long for this! I'm psyched!
It's been pretty awesome so far. Volunteering at the library, practically inhaling books, procrastinating on an AP World History project, going to the beach, the water park, attempting to write again... doesn't get much better than this.  
Those book reviews I was talking about.
Maybe I'll get to one later, but instead for Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie. Started last night, finished this afternoon. I couldn't put it down.
I don't have much else to say.

My novel, Civilized Sabotage: The Formation Like fiction? Music? CLICK HERE!
My contest-winning short story, Particles of Dust it takes two minutes to read!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Fame Covers

So, guess what?
I finished the first edit of Civilized Sabotage: The Formation! I'm gonna put it aside for a while and start working out the plot line for the second book, The Fame. This will be my inkienowrisum book. I have some ideas for it and started to outline, but I'm looking for more conflict.
A while ago I asked about a billion people on inkpop to make me covers. This is because i wanted a bunch to choose from and I like having promotional images for my books.
SOOO, here they are:

There are a few more, but I'm having trouble finding them all... and blogger's being really slow with uploading. So...
I'll probably rotate these covers when it goes up on inkpop- leave a comment letting me know which one you like best!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Marching Band, Procrastination, and The Like.

Hey! I actually have time to blog today, since my after-school stuff was all cancelled. And even though I have a bunch of history homework I should be getting to, that could be put off a little longer.

So, update on CS: The Formation... nothing much going on there. I'm still editing, and I'm about to completely demolish this part in a Lillian chapter and rewrite it, considering it made no sense.  This big event of re-writing should take place sometime today or later this week.

Memorial Day weekend is coming up! This means catching  up on homework, writing, and, of course, the Memorial Day parade! Which means marching band!
So, I have marching band rehearsals all this week, and today we marched in the rain for the last five minutes or so. My drum was a big puddle by the time we got back inside.
Do any of you guys (readers, existent or not) have any good marching band stories? Or whatever kind of music you do? Leave a comment -- something a bit rare to me.

If you haven't already read it, please sacrifice three minutes of your time for my contest-winning piece, Particles of Dust:

I'm thinking of doing book reviews! HOpefully sometime this summer. My first one will be for You Wish by Mandy Hubbard.

Writing: Civilized Sabotage: The Formation
On the process of: editing
Listening to: ALL CAPS
Reading: The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein (still)
Procrastinating on: English and History homework
Waiting for: summer (and the new Nancy Drew computer game, because I'm a nerd)